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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0


Embrace Your Shadow Day Retreat

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Embrace Your Shadow Day Retreat

  • Sacred Circles 6090 Mcvagh Road Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0 Canada (map)

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call if fate.” - Carl Jung

Take a deep dive into the depths of your unconscious mind where you will explore your beliefs, attitudes, patterns, and projections with yourself and in relation to others. During this day long retreat, you will be guided through the process of how to do shadow work, when it is appropriate and when to take a break and embody the experience. We will work with various embodiment tools to move stuck energy through the body that needs to be expressed, integrate your learning and leave you feeling empowered and ready to move forward on your path with more clarity and awareness.

What to bring:

A journal

Yoga mat (if you have one)

Comfy clothes


Lunch & Snacks


Saturday December 3rd, 2022

11am - 5pm


$169 + HST