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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0



2 Hour Private Healing Session

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2 Hour Private Healing Session


In this Holistic Healing Session, you will be provided a safe and secure space to share, explore, shift, and process the journey that you are currently moving through.  Whether you need emotional, mental, physical, or energetic assistance, this session is designed to provide you with the tools and services that will support your healing, based upon your unique situation and needs.  You will leave feeling a sense of balance in your body and empowerment in your ability to manage your life circumstances with ease and grace. 

Sessions are one or two hours in length and may include a variety of the modalities below:

·      Meditation

·      Breathwork

·      Restorative / Yin Yoga

·      Reiki / IET / Crystal Healing

·      Somatic Trauma Therapy

·      Embodiment Tools

·      Therapeutic Movement / Dance

·      Guided shadow work

·      Intuitive Coaching


1 Hour $85 + HST

2 hour $160 + HST

Reach out to book your private healing session today.


There are no refunds on products or services purchased. If you need to cancel your appointment please provide 24hrs notice and your purchase will be deferred to another time and date that is convenient for all parties. Less than 24hrs notice will forfeit your purchase.

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