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Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0



Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10am to breathe, meditate and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Dalmatian Stone: Playfulness, childlike joy and enthusiasm for life, absurdity, humour, laughter.

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Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10 to breathe, meditate and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Carnelian: Increased confidence, dignity, poise, self-assurance.

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Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10am to meditate, breathe and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Petalite: Witnessing, the Observer, an ability to detach, the impersonal quality of the universe.

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Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10am to meditate, breathe and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Lemurian Quartz: Vision, big picture thinking, unlocking the secrets of infinite possibility.

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Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10 to meditate, breathe and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Smithsonite: Rebirth from chaos, evolution, stress relief, emotional boost, clearing of obstacles to growth.

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Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10am to breathe, meditate and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Clear Quartz: Amplification, magnification, expansion, growth.

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Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10am to breathe, meditate, and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Blue Chalcedony: Slowing down, easy does it, restoring balance and serenity.

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Take 10 @ 10

Kristy Whyte

Take 10 @ 10 to breathe, meditate, and calm your anxious mind. Today’s Oracle Card is Orange Calcite: creativity, the pleasure of birthing something new, sensuality and sexuality.

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