Create Your Personalized Invocation

Create Your Personalized Invocation.png

A personal invocation is a form of prayer or ritual where an individual calls upon a divine or spiritual entity for guidance, protection, or assistance. Unlike a general invocation, which may be conducted in a communal setting such as a religious service, a personal invocation is typically performed privately, often in moments of solitude or reflection. Personal invocations can vary widely depending on your individual beliefs, practices, and spiritual traditions, ranging from simple spoken prayers to elaborate ceremonial rituals. They serve as a means for you to connect with your spiritual beliefs and seek support or guidance from higher powers.

When creating an invocation typically you would use the following 5 elements:

1.     A request for assistance from a higher source.

Clarify your intent to work with Beings of Light and Love of the highest nature knowing that these Beings of Light will not impose their will upon you.  They always have your highest good at heart. We are free willed beings and our guides will not interfere on our behalf unless we ask for their assistance. It is good practice to begin your invocation with a request for help. An example might look like, Dear Spirit, God, Angels, please help me ….

You may choose to address any of the following:

-       God

-       Your favourite religious figure

-       Your personal guides 

-       Ascended masters or teachers

-       Your animal spirits

-       Angelic kingdom

-       Mother Earth / Gaia

-       Combination of some, all of the above, or non of the above.


2.     An inner call to open your awareness.

Request a clear channel to receive the incoming message. We all have different ways of receiving higher guidance and wisdom. It helps when you understand how you typically receive your information. You may ask for a clear channel to understand the guidance being sent to you.

The following are ways in which you may receive guidance:

Claircognizance (Clear knowing) – You tend to receive your messages from your intuition by just knowing.  You know deep in your soul the truth of a situation, person, or place.  You 


Clairvoyance (Clear seeing) – You tend to receive your messages from your intuition by seeing colors, shapes, objects, symbols, flashes of light, vivid dreams etc.  You see images in your mind’s eye like you would see an imagination or your memory. 


Clairaudience (Clear hearing) – You tend to hear your messages from your intuition by hearing a voice or communication from your Higher Self, telepathic information from people, animals, or nature.  


Clairsentience (Clear feeling) – You tend to receive your messages from your intuition through your sense of feeling strong feelings and emotions of people, animals, spirits, and places.  You can feel the emotions of others in your heart and in your body.  


3.     A stated intention.

Know your objective for the session at hand and state that in your intention. An intention is simply a way to communicate what it is that you would like to know. Ask for assistance with whatever issue ails you or that you are questioning. Ex. Spirit, I ask for your guidance in knowing what decision I should make with regard to accepting this new job offer. Please show me a sign or guide me toward the right path for myself for the highest good.


4.     A caveat asking that Divine Will or that which is for the highest good of all concerned be done.

Surrender and ask for guidance for the highest good for all those involved. Sometimes what is right for you, is not right for the highest good of all involved. There is a certain level of trust involved in knowing that everything always works out for the best, even though you may not be able to understand or see it in the present moment.


5.     Appreciation or thanks.

Show your gratitude for all that you have in your life and all that you will receive in your future.  Appreciation and gratitude for all that you currently have ini your life ensures that you align with the energy of abundance so that you continue to draw more of that energy forth into your life.




I ask for assistance from my angels and spirit guides to surround me with your love and light and encourage me to move toward a place of peace, love and compassion for the highest good of all.  I am open to your loving and gentle guidance and am grateful for your presence in my life.  Thank you 


Dear God, Archangels of Light & Love, and all of my spirit guides,  

I ask for your guidance to see what I cannot see with my eyes, hear what I cannot hear with my ears, know what I cannot know with my thoughts, and feel what I cannot feel with my touch.  I ask for your help in strengthening my intuition and guiding me toward my Higher Self for the greater good of all.  I am eternally grateful for everything that you have provided thus far in my life and am open to receive your blessings moving forward.  


With clear, present and focused intention, I open my awareness to my personal guides, my greater wisdom, and whatever information and energy may be available for my highest good. I set aside any preconceptions about the situation at hand. I affirm my connection to all knowledge, past, present and future, and open my mind and body to receive whatever will be most helpful for my highest path at this time. I do this to connect with myself in a deeper way and move further along my path of personal growth. I thank all those who would assist me for the gifts that are present and forthcoming.

Your personal invocation is the invitation to build a relationship with your spiritual team. Do whatever feels natural and right for you. You can change it up each time or have one that you use over and over again. The choice is yours. Be patient and trust that your message is getting through to the right place and will be delivered at the right time.



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