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Filtering by Category: Soul

Partnering with the Universe to Manifest Your Dreams

Kristy Whyte

We are powerful creators! We have the ability to bring forth into our lives what we most desire through the power of our thoughts and our feelings. We also have the power to bring forth what we least desire through the power of our thoughts and our feelings. We draw toward ourselves whatever we focus our energy upon. Ruminating on fear based thoughts or what we don't want for ourselves will only build the power and momentum behind that energetic pull and bring more of that to you. Consciously choosing to align your energy with what you most desire through your thoughts and your feelings will strengthen that energetic pull and draw more of that to you.

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Embracing Authenticity in a World of Expectations

Kristy Whyte

"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we actually are", Brene’s Brown's words echo truth in our souls. But oh, how challenging it is in a world where conformity seems like the only option. Authenticity is about shedding the layers of expectation and embracing our raw, unfiltered selves, shadows and all.

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Create Your Personalized Invocation

Kristy Whyte

A personal invocation is a form of prayer or ritual where an individual calls upon a divine or spiritual entity for guidance, protection, or assistance. Unlike a general invocation, which may be conducted in a communal setting such as a religious service, a personal invocation is typically performed privately, often in moments of solitude or reflection. Personal invocations can vary widely depending on your individual beliefs, practices, and spiritual traditions, ranging from simple spoken prayers to elaborate ceremonial rituals. They serve as a means for you to connect with your spiritual beliefs and seek support or guidance from higher powers.

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The Power of Surrender: Embracing Courage and Trust in the Flow of Life

Kristy Whyte

In a world that often glorifies control and dominance, the concept of surrender may seem counterintuitive. We're taught to fight, to strive, and to never give up. But what if surrender wasn't a sign of weakness, but rather a courageous act of trust and liberation? What if letting go of our need to control everything opened us up to profound insights and a deeper connection with the universe? This is the essence of surrender – a shift from resistance to acceptance, from fear to love.

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Embracing Alignment: Journeying Towards Your Higher Self

Kristy Whyte

In the labyrinth of existence, there exists a profound quest—to align oneself with the essence of their being, their higher self. This journey transcends the mundane and ventures into the realm of spiritual awakening and self-discovery. Aligning with your higher self is not merely a destination but an ongoing odyssey, a sacred dance between the earthly and the divine.

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Harmonizing Your Four Subtle Bodies: A Holistic Approach to Well-Being

Kristy Whyte

As humans, we exist on multiple levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Each aspect of ourselves requires attention and care for us to achieve true balance and well-being.

Neglecting any of these dimensions can lead to internal conflict and disharmony, eventually manifesting as various forms of "dis-ease" such as anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue. To cultivate harmony in our lives, it's essential to nurture all four of our subtle bodies.

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