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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0


Sacred Circles Socials

Introducing Sacred Circles Socials

A platform (using the Telegram App) to connect with other women in the community who are interested in gathering for any type of fun adventure.

Examples of fun adventures include:

Karaoke nights

Dance parties

Dinners at restaurants


Cottage rentals




Events around the city

Visit to small town to shop


Adventure park visits


Beach days

International travel


You get the idea...

If you want to have some fun and would like to connect with other women to join you, throw it out there and see who is in.

Connect with your tribe! Download the Telegram App and then search for Sacred Circles Socials.

*Please note that this is a safe space for women to gather with other women. Please join the community if you feel that you would contribute in a mutually respectful and uplifting way.