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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0



Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coaching

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Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coaching


During the initial consultation we will gather information and review your goals. You will receive a personalized plan outlining any recommendations and protocols as well as a meal plan and recipe guide. The follow-up session will be an opportunity for coaching, addressing patterns and behaviours, accountability, adjustments to your plan. The follow-up appointment will be booked one month after your initial consultation

Appointments can be in-person or through a virtual meeting space.

This package includes:

1 x 60 minute Initial Consultation

Delivery of your Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Plan including your personalized recommendations, protocols, meal plan and recipe guide.

1 x 60 minute Follow-up Coaching session


$275 + HST

Additional Follow-up sessions can be purchased.

There are no refunds on products or services purchased. If you need to cancel your appointment please provide 24hrs notice and your purchase will be deferred to another time and date that is convenient for all parties. Less than 24hrs notice will forfeit your purchase.

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