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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0


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The Intuitive Living Journey

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The Intuitive Living Journey™ is about learning to listen IN to your body’s wisdom. It is about tuning out all of the messages that are bombarding you from the outside world and focusing IN on what your intuition is trying to tell you.

Through years of conditioning and societal expectations, we may have inadvertently silenced our intuition, relegating it to the background as we prioritize external validation and conformity. But the truth is, our intuition is always there, patiently waiting to be heard and honored.

The Intuitive Living Journey™is about reconnecting with that ability. Building a new relationship with your Higher Self and learning to trust in your own power of healing and wisdom. It is about developing compassion and kindness toward yourself. Building yourself up instead of tearing yourself down. Developing self-care routines and practices that bring you back to a state of harmony and balance within. Learning to love yourself and accept yourself in all of your beautiful, imperfect glory!

On the Intuitive Living Journey, authenticity is key. It's not about striving for perfection or pretending to be someone you're not. Instead, it's about wholeheartedly embracing who you are, embracing your unique journey, and learning to love yourself unconditionally, flaws and all. It is about celebrating your strengths, acknowledge your vulnerabilities, and honoring your individuality. By cultivating self-love and self-acceptance, you'll discover a profound sense of empowerment and inner peace.

Remember, your authenticity is your superpower. It's what makes you beautifully unique, and it's the foundation upon which your personal growth and transformation are built. So, embrace your authenticity, embrace your imperfections, and let your light shine bright.

On the Intuitive Living Journey we celebrate the beauty of YOU, just as you are!

The Intuitive Living Journey

To journey is to embrace the road less travelled. To break away from the conditioned mind and to explore the unknown. It is an adventure of self-discovery and evolution. The realization that there is more than what meets the eye and what you have been conditioned to believe.

When you feel the stirring of discontent within and the desire to grow and expand into the highest version of yourself possible, your journey has begun! The journey changes you in beautiful and magical ways. It opens you up to your infinite potential and awakens you into more of who you are. I encourage you to begin your personal journey today!

The 5 Pillars of The Intuitive Living Journey™:

Pillar # 1 - Learn to Listen & Create an Intuitive Relationship with Your Mind, Body, & Soul

Pillar # 2 - Become Aware: Recognize Your Patterns & Challenge Your Beliefs

Pillar # 3 - Nourish Yourself with Nutrition & Movement

Pillar # 4 - Regulate Your Nervous System & Practice Mindfulness, Breath Work & Meditation

Pillar # 5 - Cultivate Loving Connections with Yourself, Your Community, Mother Earth & Spirit

Most people realize that they are in need of change when their outside world no longer resonates with their inside world or what they truly want for themselves. The point of realization can be as dramatic as a doctors diagnosis of a disease or a warning that they are bordering on a breakdown if they don’t change or it may be that they are simply fed up with feeling the way that they currently do. Either way, they have reached a tipping point.

At this tipping point most people turn to other people to help them ‘solve’ their problems. They hire a coach, a trainer, a nutritionist etc. with the hope that they will tell them how to ‘fix’ their issues. And sometimes it works. Sometimes, if they are motivated enough, they will take the advice from the other person and follow it to a T and it will work for them. They will be told to avoid this and do that. They will be told to stop doing the things that soothe and bring joy and instead do these things. Most of these choices inevitably feel like a loss of freedom. They feel like punishment and denial of needs and desires. And as a result, more often than not, when they stop working with that person, or they lose their momentum, things fall back to the way that they were. Nothing has really changed!

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What if we were to turn all of this around and instead make these changes about feeling ….

Freedom from guilt

Freedom around your choices

Freedom from negative self-talk

Freedom to live your life to the fullest

This freedom comes when you truly understand and are aware of your own BS. When you can get down and dirty with all of the reasons why you are behaving the way that you have been and why you have been falling into the same habits for years. Only then can you start to clear the pathway and move toward your Higher Self. This requires a completely different approach to change. This requires you being very real, open, and honest with your SELF and rumbling with your WHY’s. This involves being open to hearing some harsh truths as you uncover the reasons behind your behaviours. This involves a deep dive into your subconscious mind. In order for real change to happen we need alignment between our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. 

When you look at your life right now, what do you see? How do you feel?

I’m not talking about the surface of your life and what everyone else sees. I’m talking about the deepest, most intimate areas of your life. The ones that only your very best friend knows about or maybe not even. That is what I am talking about. Now how do you truly feel about your life right now? Are you truly happy and content? Are you living your dream life. Achieving everything that you ever thought you would. Killing it!

Or do you feel like there is something missing? Something that you can’t quite put your finger on. A sense of discontentment or longing for more.

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Maybe you feel frustrated and saddened by what your life currently looks like. You thought you would have all of these milestones accomplished by a certain age and here you are without any of those things. Or maybe you have all of the things that you have always wanted. The beautiful home, a partner, 2 kids, a dog, and yet you feel completely empty inside. All of those feelings of discontentment, mediocrity, and failure have left you feeling hopeless and lacking that spark for life that you once felt when you were young and had the world at your fingertips.

Somewhere along the way you lost touch with yourSELF. You began to listen to the chaos of the world around you and you disconnected with your SOURCE and your intuition.

Deep down you know that you are not living your life to its fullest potential. You want to feel more calm, fulfilled, and at peace. You know that there has to be more to this life and you are willing to do the work to find out what that looks like.

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The Intuitive Living Journey is your journey back HOME. To your SOURCE. To your HigherSELF. To your light.

You have the resources already within you to live a life that you truly LOVE. That nourishes and sustains your mind, body and soul in such a way that you can honestly answer YES, I absolutely love my life and I am 100% aligned with my HigherSELF and my true potential.

When you can overcome the beliefs in your subconscious mind that hold you back and prevent you from believing that you deserve the abundance that the Universe has to offer. When you can get out of your own way and take positive steps to align with your HigherSELF, you become unstoppable. What once held you back from achieving your goals and dreams no longer has any kind of hold on you.

The Intuitive Living Journey is for women who crave a more authentic connection to their life. It is for women who desire more abundance, success, love, joy, and overall happiness. It is for women ready to make a commitment to unearthing the intuitive beauty that is within to align with their highest potential and level up all areas of their life in the process.

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Through the development of strengthening your intuition and learning to love and trust yourself you will gain the confidence and the desire to move toward your highest potential. Together we will get crystal clear on your vision, desires and goals. Become aware of any patterns and beliefs that are holding you back and create a plan to begin changing and correcting them. Map out powerful actions steps and tasks to take to get you moving toward your vision and harness the power of your own intuition to help you attract and align with the future that you desire.

When first starting out on this journey it can feel overwhelming and scary and incredibly frustrating by the sheer volume and depth of work to be done. But if you look at the whole mountain instead of just the immediate path in front of you, you will freak yourself out and convince yourself that you can’t do it, that you’re not cut out for this type of thing. You will fall back to your old programming and patterns, the ones that have been holding you back from becoming who you truly are for too long now.

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I want to help you climb the mountain by helping you navigate the path in front of you. One step at a time. We will create a clear plan for you to navigate the slopes and terrain until eventually you make your way to the top. And when you do make your way to the top (which you will, because you are incredible, even if you don’t currently believe it) I want to be right there with you holding your hand and cheering you on. Because we are soul sisters, and that’s what soul sisters do. We hold space for each other and help to raise each other up. We fix each others crowns!

With so much love and admiration for you and your beautiful soul, I am honoured that you are here to journey with me.

Cheers to your journey!

If you are feeling the call to begin your own personal journey and would like a guide to help you along your way, please reach out. I would be happy to support you.

Sessions can be in person or online.