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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0



Mala Creation Workshop - Reach Out to Book Your Private Event

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Copy of Copy of Mala Necklace OR Bracelet Workshop.png
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Mala Creation Workshop - Reach Out to Book Your Private Event


In this hands on workshop using quality crystals and gem stones, you will design and create your own Mala necklace.

The Mala is a string of 108 crystals or gem stone beads with one guru bead that has traditionally been used for meditation, prayer & mantra repetition. These necklaces are a beautiful way to set and hold intentions close to your heart.

We will share in a guided meditation and ritual to set an intention for your Mala and then be guided through the complete design and creation of your very own Mala necklace.

4 hour event



There are no refunds on products or services purchased. If you need to cancel your appointment please provide 24hrs notice and your purchase will be deferred to another time and date that is convenient for all parties. Less than 24hrs notice will forfeit your purchase.

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