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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0


Sacred Circles Autumn Day Retreat


Sacred Circles Autumn Day Retreat

Sacred Circles Fall Equinox Day Retreat.png
Sacred Circles Fall Equinox Day Retreat.png

Sacred Circles Autumn Day Retreat


Join us in the yurt during the Autumn Equinox for a day of rest, connection, and soul healing Saturday, September 21st from 9-4pm.

We will spend time in community with other woman on the journey of healing and awareness and hold space, support, and connect with one another as well as take time in quiet contemplation and reflection. Your presence is welcome 💕


9-9:30am Arrive & Settle

9:30 - 10:30am Yoga & Breathwork

10:30-12pm Sacred Circle

12 - 1:30pm Lunch & Connection & Free Time

1:30-3pm Workshop (Stress, Your Nervous System and Somatic Healing)

3-4pm Yin Yoga & Meditation

Lunch and snacks will be provided.

Space is limited!

Investment: $169

There are no refunds on products or services purchased. If you need to cancel your appointment please provide 24hrs notice and your purchase will be deferred to another time and date that is convenient for all parties. Less than 24hrs notice will forfeit your purchase.

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