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6090 Mcvagh Road
Ottawa, ON, K0A 3H0



Warrior Goddess Bootcamp - Wednesday's from 7-8:30pm

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Warrior Goddess Bootcamp - Wednesday's from 7-8:30pm


In this class we start with some invigorating yoga to warm up and get mobile, then we will bust out the weights for a full body circuit and finally finish off with some gentle yoga to wind down and stretch out. You will leave feeling amazing…guaranteed!

Wednesday’s 7-8:30pm

$150 for 10 consecutive weeks.

Space is limited. Reach out to reserve a spot.

There are no refunds on products or services purchased. If you need to cancel your appointment please provide 24hrs notice and your purchase will be deferred to another time and date that is convenient for all parties. Less than 24hrs notice will forfeit your purchase.

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